Usability Testing

Usability Testing

For more than 25 years, we have conducted usability testing of websites, software, instructions, training materials, and other media. After collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, we write a report documenting our findings and present the results to our clients in a problem-solving meeting.  


Our usability services include:

Card Sorting: Using a multi-stage, group-interviewing process, we ask a sample of your audiences to organize and label key ideas for websites, software, manuals, and other communications.

Research-based Expert/Heuristic Review: Combining research-based guidelines and our 25 years of usability testing experience, we critique your websites, online media, and print communications. We then suggest strategies to improve the effectiveness of your communications.

Protocol Analysis: Working with you, we identify your website (or other media) users and create a series of tasks your users might try when visiting your website. We then recruit a sample of your website’s users and ask them to talk aloud as they use your website. While they work, we observe and videotape them. Afterward, we interview them and ask them to complete a questionnaire about using your website.


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